May the Goddess bless you with love, healing and transformation, and as you move into light and love and become more conscious beings. Do not fear, have faith and have courage. Remain safe.
Reflections of the Divine Mother:
- Everything runs on energy. I am the the energy of the cosmos.
- Matter cannot be created or destroyed. It can only change. In the heart of matter there is no matter.
- Hence all matter is my illusion.
- So I am embedded in every particle of the universe. You cannot see me.
- I am the vibration of the universe as it dances around.
- My behavior is mysterious but in the highest frequencies I am spirit.
- The tornadoes, the flowers and everything reflect a certain pattern according to how long it exists in the seen and seeded universe.
- I am also consciousness.
- This consciousness and energy always exists.
- This play of consciousness will always exist but the know-er can only know one moment in time.
- Who is the “knower”?- The “knower” can only know the known when the “knower” and the known becomes “being”.
- I take the “knower” to the known.
- The known can be known in the human body or similar body types in similar planets, when truth is sought.
- Separate from my illusory nature, I exist in the human body in a primal nature responsible for the assimilation of one matter into another providing energy for the entity.
- The energy elements of the sun, wind, earth are converted by these plants into food. The human body converts these into energy. The organism then uses the energy to live and evolve.
- So I am hidden in the spark of the human being.
- My energy can be used for good or evil depending on the brain and emotions of the human being.
- Those of a primal nature are destructive and those that operate at a higher level of thinking are creative.
- In terms of creativity, I am responsible for all the art, music, literature and science.
- I am the different forms of vibration.
- I am joy.
- I am bliss.
- I am always with you. You cannot exist without me.
- I am the divine force in the guru.
- I do the work of consciousness.
- Without me no work can be done
- My modes of operation is within the three “gunas”.
- I am the all possibilities of human expression.
- I am the living force in the seeds.
- I am the love energy that brings about creation
- I am beyond space and time.
- From me all beings of all realms come into being
- My experiences are vast and complete evolution takes the human back to see his divinity-to see the possibilities.
- I am the Shakti in Shiva.
- My face is reflected in the knower of the known.
- I am absolute power.
- I am the force in the wind.
- I am the force in the atom.
- I am in the fire of the volcano.
- I am Devi(the Goddess). I am felt in the utterance of “maahh”.
- The universe springs from within me and I am part of all avatars, gurus, saints and sages.
- For it is I who gives them energy and wisdom.
- And through them knowledge and wisdom is spread according to their frequency of vibration.
- I work through words, energy, light and sound and the emotion of the sacred heart.
- It is by my intelligence that the blueprint of all forms or yantras exists for it is the very nature of energy vibration.
- From yantras all forms flow into being existing in the manifested universe of sound, light, energy into matter.