Density, Frequency and Diet

Nowadays the terms frequency and density are being used a lot by many. As a novice you might say I don’t know what they are talking about, but if you are a bit psychic or an em-path or healer then you probably have an idea or experience of something and you can try to express it by using the current terms to express energy or something you can feel in your body or auric field.

With that in mind let us talk of spiritual change. When one changes then the body begins to feel different. With much vibrational change then you actually feel the density of the body has changed. The electrical current is more vibrant in the body. So now you feel more energy, whether it be of food, people, places, buildings or masters. The density has definitely changed. Just as a caterpillar changed to a butterfly and had to change it’s diet, so to someone whose density has shifted then the diet has to change. As one is shifting then the same foods that you ate before might cause problems. Nowadays you might not know if it’s the change in the food or the change in your being. If one is doing spiritual work or just “sadhana” then you would have to learn what foods to avoid or how to change the way you cook or the times you eat. These are some of the things I cover in my meditation classes.

Sometimes there are natural forces in the astronomy and mother nature that causes mankind to shift , so there are cycles of change.

Everything is vibrating and so there are natural vibrations and artificial vibrational objects or waves. For example – cell phones and streaming TV have their own frequencies and these will disrupt the person who is more spiritually inclined because their density has changed. Something for you to think about. Stomach and digestion-al issues may not just be about the food and the mental stress of what is going on in the world.

Different energies have different vibrations and operate on what we can term different frequencies. So the people you hang out with will be agreeable to your frequency.

In other to pick up the knowledge of the masters then you will have to shift to their frequency and that can happen on one only if the density of body has changed. Did I lose you? People who feel different frequencies, pick up different energies or see the light body(Shamans see this) would know what I am writing about, but may have different terminology to describe things.

Anyways, the change in the diet now goes beyond the knowledge of what modern science or ancient Ayurveda gives. One has to study the system very carefully. Food provides us with energy but all elements and people, and places have energy attached to them. The things you see, the things you hear, and the clothes you wear etc.

So how do you get this knowledge? The Divine mother provides that knowledge as she has been giving that knowledge to many. For example an advanced yogini can pick up a vegetable or other food and know the direct effect it will have on the system and choose to eat it or not. Food that is stale is a whole issue in itself. It affects this less dense body in a big way. If you think about it, all the boxed cereal and chips are stale. So this change is not for everyone but it is knowledge for healers or people who are feeling things they can’t understand or experiencing a shift in density. Fresh fruits, vegetable, beans, lentils, salads and nuts are great, being out in nature(near the body of water, in the park, near the mountains etc)) taking walks and drinking lots of water are great. Looking up at the sky and staying off the phone will help you. Since the body is less dense you will get some great energy going into your system. This is good advice for everyone for everyone feels better. For the one with the less dense body it is very troubling living in the suburbs.

Anyways, I am sure this has gotten too long for some to read but ultimately everyone in on their own to find out things about themselves and the universe or whatever one’s goal is. If you want to be an athlete, your diet will have to be different.

Hope this get out to the people who are growing and are having a hard time. Maybe it will click with someone.

Just as the butterfly has to learn to take nectar, so to the spiritual person has to find what is nectar for them or else life becomes difficult. Ultimately the Divine mother showers them with the knowledge.