My Experiences With Sri Durga Maa

Blessings to all who read.

Now I am in awe of this wonderful universe and the wisdom of the ancients. It took a long way to get to where I am.

First of, I had never really prayed to mother Durga, well maybe not in this life. I looked more to Lord Shiva and then later to Lord Krishna as I became fascinated with the teachings in the Bhagavad Gita.

I had met my guruji, Shri Nandini Ma and had started meditating, but not intensely because I was still attending the temple. This experience happened during Navratri celebrations while the chanting of the Durgaa Chalesa and offerings and prayers were taking place in the temple. I was sitting on the floor and as they began to offer the prasad I felt my hand go up in the blessing mudra and my whole body was full of strong energy like it was held in a force from within. I could not put my hand down and the thought came inside me ” give me the prasad, I am here, I am here” I tried to fight it and it was hard. My fight increased to a little noise coming out of my mouth. My small mind was still there and I was thinking “what is happening?” I could not fight it so I don’t know why but I started to imagine myself eating the prasad. After that the energy subsided and I began to feel better. The voltage in my body that had increased so much now had been magically been reduced. I cannot forget that experience . My body had to recover from that blast of energy within my system. It was not used to that. I went home questioning what had taken place and had to take it easy. I cannot describe how it felt inside, but this was the first time I felt something like this. My face was glowing though. Later my body got more used to this I would feel the energy throughout my system. It was the first time I experienced the blessings mudra. Now I can go into that mudra with total ease.

Here is another experience as I continued my sadhana. This is later on long after I left the Temple. I did write about this in my blog so I will just add the link here:

So lots of times as I glided into experiencing the Divine mother I would now feel that I am her but my logical brain would kick in and say what nonsense. I would now think (even though I was having all these experiences ) that it was because of the chantings that somehow the mantras created that energy and it moves in that way within our system. I once even questioned the pundit on ” how did they know how to draw Durga?” He said that they had visions. I could not comprehend and make sense of myself. I am me, yet I am also Durga when I join in that energy. The logical programmer in me is always trying to make sense. So the next thing that happened blew my mind away.

It was around just before the Covid lock down. I felt that I should close of my “Divine Contact” Facebook Page. I felt that there was no interest and my body was sometimes having a hard time so perhaps this was the right thing to do now. As I was about to close off the page I got an email from a past co-worker friend of mine.

She wrote: “ I had a healing session this week and was told that my Teacher Guide was Durga.  The woman doing the session, Wanda had never seen her before and described her to me.  They had a little exchange because Wanda was unsure who she was but was reassured that she was an important goddess. Wanda was surprised during the session and had never encountered Durga so I found it amusing in a sense. At one point Wanda said ‘Ok, Ok She is telling me that she is a very powerful goddess’. After the session I was pretty much in a daze all afternoon and sat in front of the computer doing mostly nothing but processing everything that happened.  I clicked on Facebook and the first thing was a post from Wanda (Intuitive Energy Healer) and right below it was a post from you (Divine Contact).  I took that as a sign.”

My friend did not know how to approach me and it took her some time to craft an email telling me about the reading. I replied to her and told her it meant that I had to teach her meditation. So now this was the message from the universe to me. I left the page on there and I started doing weekly meditations on zoom. Wanda had described Durga as being dressed beautifully and had bangles etc( like Durgaa Maa ) and I sent a picture of Shri Durga Maa to my friend, who sent it to Wanda and it was confirmed. My friend replied and said: ” When I read your email response and got to the end, the phrase “my presence would overwhelm some people” stuck in my head and I began to feel heat go from the tip of my toes to the top of my head. I put my phone down and just thought WOW“.

The thing is, it is the Divine mother who takes the many forms since she is the energy of the cosmos also. I completely understand now how I change into the different Gurus etc. for it is the Divine working in the universe and working through this body.

As our group meditated, many started having experiences and their life and outlook on life has changed but you would have to talk to them about that.

Jai Guruji Shri Nandini Maa